- Fear of being embarrassed and becoming vulnerable.
- Fear of being perceived as disloyal or a non team player.
- Do not want to be directly involved or exposed.
- Don’t know who to report to and how.
- Perception that disclosures generally do not reach the right person and are not dealt with the discretion they deserve.
- Top bosses and promoters are usually unapproachable and inaccessible.
- Not sure of the contents and do not want to report mere suspicion.
- Reporting mechanism is complicated and reporting is a big hassle.
- Reporting may lead to revelation of identity which may cause bad blood and acrimony at the work place.
- Fear of consequences on revelation of identity.
- No system of anonymous reporting..
- Misconception that everyone at the top is already aware of the existing state of affairs.
- Disclosure to anyone within the organization may compromise identity at some stage or the other and invite reprisals.
- Cutting across hierarchies may invite adverse reactions from immediate superiors.
- Conflict of interest of the internal manager or lack of credibility due to known affiliations, prejudices and vested interests.